Hello, I'm Oli Mansfield


Words: The Times, Palatinate, City News

Radio: Times Radio

Social media: Jeremy Vine Show

Podcast: Under One Sky

TV: City News, Pal Tv

My Most Recent Work

Unheard: The Refugee Reality | documentary

Oli executive produced a 15 minute documentary about illegal migration from the perspective of refugees.

In this short trailer, you will see how refugees are often included in the migration debate and why this is problematic.

Under One Sky Podcast

A podcast exploring the bigger story of homelessness. 

I hosted and produced the Under One Sky Podcast, on behalf of a major Homelessness charity based in London

  • From Pitch -----> to Product
  • Involved: Researching, Interviewing, Hosting & Editing

Barnet FC could be coming home

Barnet FC are planning to move back to Barnet, leaving their ten-year exile in Harrow.

Oli spoke to Beespod and the commerical manager at Barnet FC to get their take.

A little bit about me.

  • Studying Broadcast Journalism (MA) at City University, London towards my BJTC
  • Geography BA from Durham University (1st)
  • Interested in multimedia journalism focused on: 
    • Foreign Policy 
    • Humanitarianism 
    • Investigative journalism 
    • Rugby 

A freelance journalist and podcast host.

I began my Masters in Broadcast Journalism at City, University of London in 2023, with modules in Newsgathering, Law & Ethics, Political Headlines, Investigative Reporting, and Podcast: Pitch to Product. 

Alongside this, I have worked as an Editor, radio & Tv host, podcaster, and writer.